Nottingham Media Academy
Posted by Vero
core skills,
nottingham media academy,
work-based learning
Confetti has joined the Nottingham Media Academy to get you guys as much experience in the fields you need to get to industry. The NMA is underwritten by SkillSet, and you'll already be well aware of who SkillSet are in terms of bringing education right up to industry.... They're coming to visit next week and they'll be intrigued to know what you know about the Nottingham Media Academy. Eyes down!
Graduates from the academy courses will be able to enter the media industries in a variety of roles, including:
Here's a bit of whois on NMA (which we're a BIG part of) feel free to ask questions...
The main purpose of the academy is to increase the opportunities for individuals in various areas of media and to enable the development of Nottingham as a creative city.Graduates from the academy courses will be able to enter the media industries in a variety of roles, including:
- art department roles
- art directors and assistants
- content producers
- film and television editors
- 3D animators
- interactive media designers
- sound technicians
- music technicians
- DJ and music producers
- props and costume designers
- web designers
- computer games designers
- radio and television producers and broadcasters
- mobile film content providers
- CGI, illustration and animation artists and technicians
- live performance or multi-media design, and production staff
- journalists for newspaper, television, radio and online
- film-makers, directors and writers