A Sad Day in RPG
Easte, it may be but it's a bit of a sad day today. Dave Arneson, co-creator (with Gary Gygax) of Dungeons and Dragons has died aged 61.
The amazing thing is that without Dave and Gary (and a few others in the computer sciences fields), we totally wouldn't have any kind of gaming. Dave and Gaz brought strategy and ludology particularly to a whole new level.
I know I always say that "without so-and-so we wouldn't have this" or "we owe a debt to blah, blah, blah" but guys, one day, you will be blessed, influenced and (hopefully) the inspiring creators of games for a whole new generation.
I think I told you that Gary died a while ago (last year) even so, they were a force to be reckoned with in their field. They inspired me to teach you and I hope if you get the merest flicker of time, you might just have a go at D&D for yourselves.